Hi everyone!! I had an idea several days ago. What if I were to do a Jason newsletter? It would include news about Jason and a bit about AIO in general, contests, etc. If you would like to get it, please email me with your email address at [email protected]. Now, the contest that is mentioned in the title. It is an artwork contest, which anyone can do, including people who have a slight disliking for Jason. Here are the rules:
#1: the picture must have Jason in it.
#2: the picture cannot depict Jason in a painful or extremely awkward scene. Weirdness and a bit of awkwardnes, yes; I mean, isn't that happening in Odyssey almost all the time?
#3: the picture can depict him in almost any scene, except  those mentioned above, but perferably if he is with Connie on a date or something. (jk)
#4: when you have finished the drawing, you can email it to me at the address listed way back at the beginning of this post and your pic will be posted here.You'll have to excuse my spelling errors as I'm posting this from my phone :)Happy drawing!!~Ashley
7/10/2013 02:51:48 pm

Great idea, Ashley!

Does the picture have to look like the ones in the AIO drawings? (I know you didn't have that in the rules)
[painful and awkward sort of sounds like my stories......although I probably wouldn't draw it. ]
{I may not draw a picture but who knows}
I really need to go to bed now.

I <3 Wooton
10/2/2013 02:20:01 am

I will totally submit some art of Connie and Jason on a date!!!

I <3 Wooton


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